Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Silk Quilt - the design

Today I am grateful for robins.  We don't have very many who live near us year round, but in the spring big flocks of them descend on our yard and stay for a week or so.  You know that spring will be arriving shortly when you look out the window and see 30-40 robins in the front yard.  This year they came about a week ago and are still here.  I think they started their trip early because of the warm weather and then it got cold.  It is supposed to be warm again next week, so they will probably move on soon.  I like them a lot.  Their traveling companion, the starlings, I don't like as much.  They travel in big noisy flocks and pick one big tree to settle in.  The racket is very annoying, plus they like to attack our bird feeder even though they are too big for it.  Noisy greedy birds I can do without.

Now on to the story about the silk quilt.  I had the silk, but what should the quilt look like?  At that time I was very excited about designing my own quilts.  There weren't as many quilt books then as there are now, and most of them were just block books.  I didn't like making a whole bunch of the same block, so I decided to make a sampler quilt.  There would be 2 versions of each block.  I drew the quilt out on graph paper and then colored it in just in graphite pencil to get the values.  I wanted the quilt to be more intense in the middle and then fade out to the edges.  The blocks would be there, but they would be indistinct because of the coloring.  I felt like it was something new for me.  It would be exciting to build the quilt from the center out, deciding on the colors for each block as I went along.  I talked to my mom about it and she OKed the design.  I also decided to get some very thin interfacing to back the silk with so it would be easier to sew.  I was all set to start the project.

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